
Gather your class or school together to unite as one! Break down barriers, help reduce bullying and improve classroom work.

School program team building. Perfect for schools after some extracurricular programs, or curriculum linked program. Join us on the playground as we lead your school students through a series of custom tailored team building challenges. All from untying a giant human knot, traversing the playground by using team skis, or even fun wacky mind puzzles.


At School Or Away On Camp


2 Hour Event

Group Size

10+ Students

Wacky Fun Challenges

Working in one large, or split into smaller teams depending on group size, we take part in a series of wacky fun challenges which push the group to develop their skills. From blindfolding students to then be guided by classmates through a fun obstacle course, blindfolded scavenger hunts, building oversized puzzles and building structures without using their hands.

Rotating through multiple challenges as we take our time to develop the group. Adapting on the day according to the groups dynamics and mood, we ensure all programs are fun and light-hearted to subtly sneak in team building, leaving the group to have an eureka moment at the end of the program.

Programs are sure to be full of laughs, build a stronger bond within the group, improve communication and teamwork all of which is directly relevant to the classroom or school environment.

Skill Development & Outcomes
Problem Solving
Improved Morale
Planning Skills
Negotiation Skills
Project Management
Creative Thinking
Delivering custom designed programs

Free Team Assessment

Ever wonder which program would suit your team best? What skills to focus on through an epic, fun team event? Our Free Team Assessment will give you valuable insight into which program styles and skills would be best suited for your team. Risk and Obligation free!

This Risk free assessment give you valuable insight into what you and your team would gain the most value from.

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Confirm your next event by November 30th, for any future date, and you’ll receive a Free Custom One-Of-A-Kind Winner Trophy package*.

These trophies will be customised to your specific event, date and team.

Valued +$250.00

*Conditions apply