
What Makes A Great Team Building Event?

What Makes A Great Team Building Event?

A great team building event can have a positive impact on a company’s overall performance. It can help team members build stronger relationships, develop essential skills, and increase productivity. However, not all team building events are created equal. In this blog, we’ll explore what makes a good team building event and how to choose the right one for your team.

Great team building events are made up of:

Global Goal Setting

Firstly, one of the most important parts of a true result driven team building event, is that there is one clear goal that the whole team is working towards, or all groups are all doing the same task with the same goal. This is important because it highlights that while we are responsible for our little section of the business, we are all equally responsible for the outcome. Doesn’t matter how good your packaging is, if the sales team doesn’t deliver, you too still fail. It’s a collective win or lose.

Global goal setting helps team’s understand what the only form of success is.

Working Together

A good team building event should promote teamwork and collaboration. It should give team members the opportunity to work together towards a common goal. This means that the event should have activities that require team members to communicate, problem-solve, and make decisions together.

Ideally, members will be working with people they don’t always work with, to learn new technique, ways to approach problems and develop their collaboration skills.

Global Success

Similar to Global Goal Setting, a good team building event should have a global success that is celebrated by the entire team. This means that the event should have a clear endpoint where the team can reflect on their achievements and celebrate their success. This can be a great way to build team morale and create a sense of accomplishment.

Global Goal Setting ties into Global success. There should only be 1 winner or 1 loser, the team. This really illustrates the importance of working well as a team.


A good team building event should promote communication. It should give team members the opportunity to practice effective communication skills, such as active listening, giving feedback, and expressing ideas clearly.  It should also push them to develop more abstract communication skills such as physical, non-verbal and perhaps even written communication. This can be achieved through activities that require team members to communicate effectively, such as role-playing, problem-solving exercises, and group discussions.


A good team building event should provide opportunities for reflection. This means that the event should have activities that encourage team members to reflect on their performance, identify areas for improvement, and develop action plans to address these areas. Reflection can be a powerful tool for personal and professional development.

One of the hardest parts for most teams is to verbally describe what they did well. Picking apart failure is often easy, which is why reflection sessions are key for the team to reflect on the good, the bad, and the ugly of their team building event performance.

Working with New People

A good team building event should give team members the opportunity to work with new people. This means that the event should have activities that mix up teams and allow team members to work with people they don’t usually work with. This can be a great way to build new relationships, learn from different perspectives, and develop new skills.

This helps with changing workforces, as new generations enter the team or when the organisation reaches into markets or regions they’ve never engaged with before.

So what makes a great team building event?

In summary, a great team building event should have a global goal, promote teamwork, celebrate global success, promote communication, provide opportunities for reflection, give team members the opportunity to work with new people and have the team working collectively as one. When planning a team building event, it’s important to consider these factors to ensure that the event has a positive impact on the team’s overall performance. By choosing the right team building event, companies can help their teams grow and develop, and ultimately achieve their business goals.

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