Bridge Builder

Working with your team you’ll need to first design, then build a stable, strong and expansive bridge out of basic supplies.

You’ll have access to cardboard, paper, string and some tape you’ll need to work together to solve this challenge.

Relying on your team’s creative thinking, problem solving and communication skills to build your bridge.


Indoors & Outdoors


90min +

Group Size


Collaborative Team Building

There’s nothing better than giving your team an abstract challenge, with limited time and supplies to push their collaborative skills to the max.

This team building event will see how well your team can plan, design then execute a project.

With only a limited amount of Tape, Cardboard, String and a few other surprise supplies, your team will need to build a stable bridge before time runs out.

Weight tested

It’s not just about building a pretty bridge. Teams will have their bridges tested to see who’s bridge can handle the most amount of weight and not fold under the pressure.

Their bridge building team skills will be put to the test as they fight for resources, review examples of past bridges and work within the confines of their workspace

Skill Development & Outcomes
Problem Solving
Improved Morale
Planning Skills
Resource management
Design Skills
Project Management
Creative Thinking
Delivering custom designed programs

Free Team Assessment

Ever wonder which program would suit your team best? What skills to focus on through an epic, fun team event? Our Free Team Assessment will give you valuable insight into which program styles and skills would be best suited for your team. Risk and Obligation free!

This Risk free assessment give you valuable insight into what you and your team would gain the most value from.

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Confirm your next event by November 30th, for any future date, and you’ll receive a Free Custom One-Of-A-Kind Winner Trophy package*.

These trophies will be customised to your specific event, date and team.

Valued +$250.00

*Conditions apply