
Horsing Around

A powerful series of outdoor team events. From Gardening Challenges to working with horses.

Working with our Friends from Urban Connection we have an amazing range of programs to unite, motivate and develop your team. Pick from a range of programs, suitable to teams of various size, budget and duration. Escape the city and unite your team.


Urban Connection Life Skills, Eagleton NSW



Group Size


Equine Assisted Learning & Team Building 101

Equine Program
  • Programs develop trust & respect within the team, communication skills & authentic leadership.
  • Teams of 2-4 people will work with 1 horse to complete a series of obstacles.
  • There will be challenges and moments the team will need to communicate and work together to over
    come & problem solve.
  • Participants will need to adjust their behavior/energy/intentions to accommodate the other
    teammates and the horse.
  • The facilitator will provide insights into the behaviour of the horse and how interpret his body
    language. Leanings are paralleled back to every day life & the workplace.
  • The goal is not to complete the obstacles, but to complete it as a cohesive team and hitting the set
    objective (e.g. trust)
Team Building 101
  • Working as a team we rotate through a series of small, short team challenge
  • Each Challenge builds off the previous, focusing on key team skills to ensure a desired outcome
  • Fast, fun and full of energy
  • A classic, powerful team event
  • Skills: Project Management, Negotiation, Planning, Global Awareness, Teamwork and trust

Equine Assisted Learning & Team Marathon

Equine Program
  • Programs develop trust & respect within the team, communication skills & authentic leadership.
  • Teams of 2-4 people will work with 1 horse to complete a series of obstacles.
  • There will be challenges and moments the team will need to communicate and work together to over
    come & problem solve.
  • Participants will need to adjust their behavior/energy/intentions to accommodate the other
    teammates and the horse.
  • The facilitator will provide insights into the behaviour of the horse and how interpret his body
    language. Leanings are paralleled back to every day life & the workplace.
  • The goal is not to complete the obstacles, but to complete it as a cohesive team and hitting the set
    objective (e.g. trust)
Team Marathon
  • The evolution of Team Building 101
  • Working with your team to complete more in depth team challenges
  • Work to build better communication, trust and community, building off earlier challenges and experiences
  • Key program to build powerful teams.
  • Skills: Project Management, Negotiation, Planning, Global Awareness, Teamwork and trust

Experiential Horticulture & U.N. Support

Equine Program
  • Teams of 4-8 people will work to plan and design an edible garden.
  • There will be challenges when creating the design and the team will need to trouble shoot and
    problems solve to achieve the desired outcome.
  • Participants will learn about different plant requirements, adjust their plans and negotiate for the
    greater survival of the team.
  • The facilitator will offer tips, insights and technical support that will assist in developing the optimum
    edible garden.
  • The goal is to bring the team together, develop a plan, re-adjust the plan and complete the activity
Team Building 101
  • Splitting your team into “Countries” who are all members of the UN.  A neighbouring country in need has reached out as they are in serious need of water due to a deadly drought. Each country is responsible to build their own section of a giant Pipeline to take water from a nearby Dam to the country in need. Using only limited supplies, requiring to trade and negotiate the use of materials.
  • Skills: Project Management, Negotiation, Planning, Global Awareness, Teamwork and trust
Delivering custom designed programs

Free Team Assessment

Ever wonder which program would suit your team best? What skills to focus on through an epic, fun team event? Our Free Team Assessment will give you valuable insight into which program styles and skills would be best suited for your team. Risk and Obligation free!

This Risk free assessment give you valuable insight into what you and your team would gain the most value from.

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Confirm your next event by November 30th, for any future date, and you’ll receive a Free Custom One-Of-A-Kind Winner Trophy package.

These trophies will be customised to your specific event, date and team.

Valued +$250.00