Let's Van Gogh Painting

Unleash your creative side!

Without access to a reference photo how would you go about recreating a famous piece of art?
Working in pairs or small groups, one team member will describe their reference photo as the other follows their instructions to create their own masterpiece.
Your team will not only laugh, but walk away with their own one of a kind funky-looking pieces of art.This is a great activity to show how each individual interpretation can be different from the finished product.
Check out the two options below


Indoor Event


90min +

Group Size



In pairs, 1 person will be given a famous piece of artwork which they cannot show to the other person. They will have to describe the artwork to their peer who will be able to put brush to canvas a re-create their own masterpiece from what is described.

But don’t worry the roles will be switched to give player A the chance to paint also, and player B the role to describe.

Developing your team’s creative thinking, communication and listening skills through a hands on team building event


In teams of 4, each player will be given a quarter of a piece of famous artwork. The team will then be split into pairs where they will need to describe their corner of the artwork to their partner who will paint the described image onto a canvas. Roles will then be switched for the painter to describe their corner to be painted onto Canvas.

Come the end of this team building event each group will bring their corner of the masterpiece together and form their new interpretation.

Develop your team’s planning, communication and listening skills through this art-driven team building event.


This is the perfect team building event for those end of year staff Christmas Parties or just for something fun to do as a team. 

Host it at your office and take part in some BYO to unwind as your sip while you paint, or unwind at a local pub of vineyard. Let’s Van Gogh Painting is an amazing, fun, and creative painting based team building event.

Skill Development & Outcomes
Improved Morale
Planning Skills
Negotiation Skills
Problem Solving
Creative Thinking
Delivering custom designed programs

Free Team Assessment

Ever wonder which program would suit your team best? What skills to focus on through an epic, fun team event? Our Free Team Assessment will give you valuable insight into which program styles and skills would be best suited for your team. Risk and Obligation free!

This Risk free assessment give you valuable insight into what you and your team would gain the most value from.

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Confirm your next event by November 30th, for any future date, and you’ll receive a Free Custom One-Of-A-Kind Winner Trophy package*.

These trophies will be customised to your specific event, date and team.

Valued +$250.00

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