Culture Talks Workshop


Communication & Culture is key to any team’s success. Be it how a leader speaks to their team, how a team communicates with each other, how we speak to customers plays a key role in a team’s success. The culture of the company is the lifeblood of how an organisation will either sink or swim.


Australia Wide


Half to Full Day

Group Size


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Developing Great Leaders

The Culture Talks Workshop is a comprehensive workshop designed to enhance communication skills and foster effective team dynamics within corporate settings while also developing a culture change plan to make measurable, positive changes within the workforce.

This engaging workshop combines interactive hands-on activities with focused session topics to give participants practical tools and strategies for improving their communication and workplaces culture.

This workshop covers a wide range of essential communication areas, from active listening and nonverbal communication skills to ethical communication and crisis management. Participants will also learn about audience engagement, storytelling, and influencing techniques to effectively convey their messages.

Through a combination of theory, exercises, and discussions, attendees will gain valuable insights and develop the necessary skills to excel in their professional communication.

Culture Workshop Topics

This workshop is fully customisable to suit your needs and goals.

The team will take part in a culture planning session where we dive deep into what a good culture is, where they believe the culture currently is and where they would like it to go. We will explore potential weak points within the current culture and then begin to lay out a plan on how to develop, improve and inspire their team to ensure a positive change within the culture.

By attending the Culture Talks Workshop, leaders can expect improved interpersonal skills, enhanced conflict resolution abilities, increased trust-building capabilities, and stronger overall communication effectiveness, benefiting their leadership and organizational success. The team will walk away with a Culture Plan outline with goals, objectives, and a timeline for making a positive change within the workplace culture.


Skill Development & Outcomes
Active Listening Skills
Improved team culture
Leadership Planning
Communication Styles
workplace respect
Goal Setting
Communincation Skills
Culture Development
Body Language
Delivering custom designed programs

Free Team Assessment

Ever wonder which program would suit your team best? What skills to focus on through an epic, fun team event? Our Free Team Assessment will give you valuable insight into which program styles and skills would be best suited for your team. Risk and Obligation free!

This Risk free assessment give you valuable insight into what you and your team would gain the most value from.

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