
Workplace Culture In 2023

Workplace Culture In 2023

Workplace culture has evolved significantly in recent years, and it is expected to continue its evolution in the coming years. In 2023, many aspects of workplace culture are likely to be quite different from today’s standards. As technology advances and new generations join the workforce, the way that businesses interact with their employees will continue to change. It is important to understand what trends in workplace culture will take shape over the next few years so that businesses can remain competitive in their respective industries.

In 2023, companies are expected to embrace new values, technology and workflows that address the unique needs of their employees while ensuring they remain competitive in their industry.

The traditional concept of working nine-to-five at an office will no longer be a reality for many workers; instead, we’ll see an increase in flexible schedules and remote work opportunities. This shift will allow employees to prioritize their well-being as well as maintain a better work-life balance. Companies will also offer incentives such as professional development training or access to mental health services to ensure their staff is supported and engaged.

But what is workplace culture?
Many people would say it’s how people feel, if they’re happy, if it’s a positive workplace.

That is merely the tip of the cultural iceberg.
Workplace culture has many layers, each variation distinctive to the other.

Different kinds of workplace culture?

Mental Health Culture

The importance of Mental Health has been brought to the forefront of many organisations over the past few years. An organisation that embraces Mental Health develops a culture around supporting their staff, giving assistance where needed, recognising warning signs of burn out and delivering mental health training where needed.

Companies like Blue Balloon Coaching work with organisations to help them develop a Mental Health Culture.

Sick Leave Culture

Sick Leave is such a dirty word. Companies for years have been doing everything in their power to not let their staff call in sick. Excuses like “you’ve got the weekend to recover!” have been used for years to pressure people into working while ill.
If we had a more positive view of Sick Days, would COVID have been as bad?

Having a culture that respects sick leave means the employees understand that their health isn’t below the needs of the company. That the company values their health and respects their need to recover quickly.

When a company has a sick leave culture, people take better care of themselves, they don’t abuse sick days, and they don’t use them for the sake of it. A culture revolving around respecting one’s sick leave is how powerful, healthy teams are built. No one feels guilty for being ill, they don’t feel pressured to work while ill.

Safety Culture

When a company develops a culture around keeping people safe, its staff naturally advances its processes, they find new, better ways to reach the same outcomes. An organisation with a safety culture sets a high focus on safety beliefs and values, and the family they share among staff members. These values can be called the basis for the company’s “it’s the way we do things around here”.

People stop taking unnecessary risk to “speed up” the process. They focus on doing it right, and right is safe.

Creativity Culture

We either evolve or die.

Creativity Culture allows organisations to push past “the norm” and ask questions that have the ability to bypass the conventional method, to permit the transformation of a concept, or an idea.

Only in a culture where people feel safe will they be able to create new, unique ideas which allow the company to grow and evolve. People need to know they won’t be ridiculed by asking why or suggesting creative new concepts.

This is how great businesses advance.

Security Culture

A security culture revolves around how the organisation understands the importance of their cyber and intellectual property security. We all know we shouldn’t use 1234 as a password, but when a team understands why they need to have good security is where a good security culture begins.

When an organisation has a culture around security people understand the importance, they don’t take steps to “workaround” they value the impacts to those they work with.

What culture will you develop in 2023?

An organisation can have multiple, they all support one another, and they’re part of a large puzzle.

When you being to think of what your workplace culture will be consider this,

Workforce culture is the general character of the business. Often synonymous with the business, work culture may include things such as the organization’s goals, ideals, habits, principles, and practices at work. Ideally, companies want to create a positive workplace culture.

For those feeling lost on what, or how to build a culture within their team, our Culture Workshops are designed to help you develop and plan the rollout of your workplace culture.

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